
The Three Investigators was a popular American juvenile detective book series first published as "Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators." It was created by Robert Arthur, Jr., who believed using a famous figure like movie director Hitchcock would attract attention.

The original series ran from 1964 to 1987 and comprised 43 books. Books number 1 to 9 and 11 were written by the creator, Robert Arthur, who also sketched out ideas for a few of the other stories. Arthur had been an editor for several Hitchcock book collections. The other authors were William Arden (Dennis Lynds), Nick West (Kin Platt), M(ary). V(irginia). Carey, and Marc Brandel (born Marcus Beresford). All of the authors wrote their own introductions and epilogues, which purportedly were dictated by Hitchcock.

In the original series, the specific ages of the investigators were never revealed, but context indicates that they were likely 13 or 14 years old. They were not old enough to drive, but were said to be just a few years younger than their nemesis Skinny Norris, who had a driver's license. On one occasion it was mentioned that Pete was on the high school wrestling team.

The investigators were typically introduced into a mystery through a client or by accidentally stumbling upon something unusual. The boys encountered baffling, sometimes misleading clues and danger before finally solving the crime. A major strength of the series was that the boys had to work to find and understand clues, unlike other contemporary series in which serendipity and coincidence played a frequent role. The last chapter of each book was an epilogue in which the investigators sat with Alfred Hitchcock (and later, Hector Sebastian), reviewing the mystery and revealing the deductions through the clues shown earlier in the book.



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