Discover How Project Management Is Used to Launch and Manage Various Types of Projects Throughout the Industrial World
Project ManagerˇŻs Handbook presents a wealth of detailed examples that show how project management (PM) is used to launch and manage projects in many different industries around the world. This reference takes a best-practices approach to PM that includes ˇ°challenges and solutions,ˇ± ˇ°lessons learned,ˇ± and ˇ°what might have been done differentlyˇ± for each example. Writte...
Project ManagerˇŻs Handbook presents a wealth of detailed examples that show how project management (PM) is used to launch and manage projects in many different industries around the world. This reference takes a best-practices approach to PM that includes ˇ°challenges and solutions,ˇ± ˇ°lessons learned,ˇ± and ˇ°what might have been done differentlyˇ± for each example. Writte...
Label: E-BOOKS